When will the monthly payments be made?
  • The first monthly payment will be made on the starting date of the contract and covers the first month. Following payments will happen every month on the same day as the first payment.
I have no individual gas (heating) connection and can therefore only sign a single electricity contract, how can I arrange my gas/heating contract?
  • In this case it is very likely that gas/heating is centrally arranged in your building or by a project in your region. We advise you to contact the property manager of your home to ask them about your specific situation and whether and with whom you need to arrange a heating contract.
Can you arrange my water contract as well? Why is there a difference in the payment amount on the contract I received and the amount I got offered on the phone?
  • In the contract, the yearly payment amount is shown while we usually disclose the monthly payment amount on the phone. Please contact us in case the amount on the contract divided by 12 is not equal to what you have heard on the phone.
Why am I paying a monthly advance amount? And when is it settled?
  • The amount you pay monthly is an advance of your yearly energy costs to enable you to have equal energy costs every month instead of variable bills that will be more expensive in the winter and cheaper in the summer. The advance amount is based on the estimate of your yearly usage and your contracted electricity and gas prices. At the end of the year, your actual usage is compared to your estimated usage and your advance will be settled in the year-end settlement. This means you can receive a part of your advanced payments back in case of lower actual usage or you could have to pay extra in case of higher actual usage.
How can I extend my fixed term contract?
  • You can extend your fixed term contract by reaching out to Arrange Your Contracts via email: info@arrage-your-contracts.nl or by phone on +31(0)85 1309131. If you contact us by email, don’t forget to leave your phone number. We will reach out to you within 24 hours to set up your contract extension.
What happens to my energy contract when I move?
  • When you are planning to move to a different address you need to inform us and provide your new address information. Your energy contract will then continue on the new address for the remainder of the contract term. Your moving notification needs to be sent to us at least 3 weeks in advance of the actual moving date.

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